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All-American Ambassador Band Front (web
Collegiate Logo Outlines [WHITE]_edited.
Statue of “The Spirit of American Youth, Rising from the Waves”
Normandy American Cemetery 

The D-Day 80th Anniversary Collegiate Mass Band will feature outstanding collegiate marching band students and collegiate band alumni from across the United States to perform at the D-Day 80th anniversary commemorative events in France, June 2024. Participants will join one of four region bands (Southeast, Northeast, Southwest, or Northwest) determined by the location of their college or university. Each region band, led by renown collegiate directors from across the nation, will have the opportunity to perform separately, but will also combine to form a mass band for designated events. This once-in-a-lifetime experience will start in Washington D.C. for rehearsals and sightseeing before departing for the coast of France. Participants will then perform for official ceremonies and parades marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and the Liberation of Europe. The experience will culminate with a stay in Paris to enjoy the sites, culture, and the history that is unique to one of the world’s greatest cities. We hope you will apply to take part in this monumental event.


Registration deadline: October 1, 2023

Tour Schedule


Day 1: June 1, 2024

  • Arrive in Washington DC and check into the Dulles Airport area hotel

  • Dinner provided

  • Meet and greet with all the members of the group followed by a short rehearsal

  • Overnight at the hotel




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